Community Discord Games
Genre Spin: This is a game where participants will all be challenged to make a song from a randomly selected genre. Everyone that wants to play will “spin the wheel” of genres by typing c#genrespin. There are over 200 genres within the database.(edited)
Sample Flip: For this game, everyone has the option to join with 1 sample that they would like to have flipped. Participants will all roll the dice. Whoever rolls the lowest number will have their sample selected to be flipped. Rules: You can do anything, add anything, but you have to use the full sample.(edited)
Random Melody Challenge: For this game, every participant will roll a “musicians dice” that will produce a random key, number of notes, and a corresponding melody that they must incorporate into a song.(edited)
Chopped: For this game, 3 different samples must be incorporated into 1 song. Participants will all roll the dice, and the 3 lowest numbers will each get to pick 1 sample. Rules: You can do anything, add anything, but you have to fully use all 3 samples.
Genre Mash: For this game, participants will be challenged to combine 2 separate genres into one song.
Tempo Switch: For this game, participants will be challenged to write a song that changes the tempo at least 3 times.
Time Travel: For this game, participants will be challenged to write a song that changes the time signature at least 3 times.
Mood Swing: For this game, participants will be assigned a random mood or feeling and must create a song based on it.
Is Mayonnaise an Instrument?: For this game, a curated selection of mayonnaise audio recordings will be provided and players will be challenged to to use these recordings as the primary basis for a new song.